Auto Dialer vs. Parallel Dialer:

What’s the best choice for your sales team?

What is Auto Dialing:

Auto Dialing, or power dialing, is a fully automated and hands-free dialing experience. Auto dialers promote higher-quality of conversations by allowing sales reps to single-line dial their prospects one at a time. The magic happens in between the calls when call notes and dispositions are automatically populated while simultaneously forwarding you to the next prospect in your sequence.

This eliminates the manual work and allows your reps to focus on talking to prospects and personalizing their outreach. Whether you are strategically calling prospects or blasting through lists at a time, auto-dialing is able to support each workflow and bring you more quality conversations at scale. 

Common use case: Mature or young sales organization looking to maximize their conversation output without sacrificing the quality and staying personalized.

What is Parallel Dialing:

Parallel Dialing is a relatively new dialing technology that allows your team to call multiple lines at once to maximize their dial activity. Most parallel dialers allow you to call anywhere between 3 to 10 prospects simultaneously. This dialing technology is used heavily by early-stage start-ups looking to optimize their outbound efforts for velocity.

Parallel dialers are used by experienced reps who can easily transition from one talk track to another. Less tenured reps will have some difficulty adjusting to the fast-paced dialing workflow. In short, parallel dialers are the perfect fit for beginner organizations who are still refining their messaging, ICP, and product market fit because they allow you to have more conversations at scale without needing to be strategic.

Common use case: Pre-PMF sales teams looking to test messaging at scale with minimal to no pre-call research or personalization.

Where AI comes into play:

Today, AI has gained popularity in the business world and companies are integrating it throughout their products and systems, but how does AI help your sales team? 

Both parallel and auto dialers have AI automation as part of their suite of tools.
These automation include:

  • Real-time guidance & coaching: Traditional coaching is done reactively after a conversation has been ended.. With the help of AI, some platforms are able to surface important coaching or feedback while your rep is on the phone so they can easily pivot when faced with an objection or question. 
  • AI-generated call notes & dispositions: If you’re using a manual workflow and typing notes after each call, it can take time away from your outreach and having real conversations with prospects. With AI, you’re able to have a hands-free dialing experience. 
  • AI pre-call research: Some of these tools provide your team with AI agents tasks to bring you important information for personalizing your outreach. AI can surface talking points for you to use from the prospect’s company website or LinkedIn page. 
  • AI-generated analytics: Calculating performance analytics is difficult and traditional conversational intelligence can only go so deep. Using AI automation from these platforms you can easily identify specific areas of coaching for your reps along with detailed metrics to track. 

Still curious whether an auto dialer or parallel dialer is better for your sales team? Talk to us

Auto Dialer vs. Parallel Dialer:
Dom Odoguardi
Head of GTM

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