What is a Power Dialer?

Up until recently, most sales teams were at the mercy of their dialer - manually clicking through prospects and accounts one at a time. Even with the most high-tech dialers, the manual workflow of clicking and typing out call notes boggs down the user experience and takes your focus away from what really matters… Having more conversations!

But now we have access to hundreds of AI automation to take this burden off our backs, one of them being a power dialer. 

So, how does a power dialer work?

Well, a power dialer works as a streamlined dialing solution that eliminates pre and post-call work so you have more conversations in your work day.

Power dialers, or also known as auto dialers, work as single-line automated dialing systems where it takes care of calling each of your prospects one at a time and automates the workflow in between each call. 

Some power dialers also provide additional AI coaching and enablement automations to improve the quality of your team’s conversations. 

Some of these AI features include: 

  • Real-time guidance & coaching: Traditional coaching is done reactively after a conversation has ended. With the help of AI, some power dialers are able to surface important coaching or feedback while your rep is on the phone so they can easily pivot when faced with an objection or question. 

  • AI-generated call notes & dispositions: If you’re using a manual workflow and typing notes in after each call, it can take time away from your outreach and having real conversations with prospects. With AI, you’re able to have a hands-free dialing experience by using AI-generated call notes. 

  • AI pre-call research: Some of these dialers provide your team with AI agents tasks to bring you important information for personalizing your outreach. AI can surface talking points for you to use from the prospect’s company website or LinkedIn page. 

  • AI-generated analytics: Calculating performance analytics is difficult and traditional conversational intelligence can only go so deep. Using AI automation from these platforms you can easily identify specific areas of coaching for your reps along with detailed metrics to track. 

Power dialing can supercharge your sales team - Making them be more efficient with their time. 

If you’re still wondering “What is power dialing?” Grab time with us and we’ll give you a quick walkthrough!

And if you’re looking for a comparison between power, auto, predictive, progressive or parallel dialers make sure to read up on them here.  

What is a Power Dialer?
Dom Odoguardi
Head of GTM

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